    Undervisning om finland på omegle

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: asl
Stranger: 你好
You: höi??
Stranger: Hm
Stranger: M 24 uk
You: najsit
You: :P
Stranger: Ok u win
You: what???
You: ........
You: .............................................
Stranger: I don't know any other languages
You: than english or??
Stranger: Than english
You: its ok
You: ^^
Stranger: What is najsit ang hoi?
You: najsit = well (i think)
You: höi = what
Stranger: In which language?
You: swe
You: I'm fron finland
You: from*
Stranger: So u English or Swedish or what?
Stranger: Ah
Stranger: Ok
You: But i speak swedish
Stranger: And english
You: yes
You: finnish its hard to learn
Stranger: I bet
Stranger: I don't know much about finland
You: nobody does
You: :S
Stranger: But I think you have v long days / nights
Stranger: Yes?
You: ........höi??
Stranger: In winter the sun is only up for a short time???
You: yes. and im in school thet time so i dont see the sun so much at winter. But in summer there is no dark night
You: that*
Stranger: Doesn't it get depressing?
You: no
You: its nice
You: and its a lot of snow
You: so it isnt som dark
Stranger: Sorry but I got to go ...
You: ok
You: bye
Stranger: Shame - you sound.
Stranger: Interesting. :)
You: of course
Stranger: Good luck !
You: thanks!!!
You: the same
Stranger: Bye

//Osociala klönten

bec säger:

åh IDA du låter INTRESSANT!!! då e du väl ingen osocial klönntinen??? HAHAHAHA ;) lite på G bara

2010-02-10 @ 13:29:11
puremilk säger:

DIY numbers oil paintings,easy and simple everyone can be artist is a style of art performed by filling numbered areas with specific colors. It is a DIY craft very popular in Europe, Japan and Koreapaint by numbers kit singapore.

2012-07-26 @ 11:01:09
Blogg/hemsida: http://www.digipainting.com
puremilk säger:

DIY numbers oil paintings,easy and simple everyone can be artist is a style of art performed by filling numbered areas with specific colors. It is a DIY craft very popular in Europe, Japan and Koreapaint by numbers kit singapore.

2012-07-29 @ 01:35:03
Blogg/hemsida: http://www.digipainting.com

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