    green poop

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: have you poop something today?
Stranger: Yes, a toy car.
You: hm how is that impossible? :D
Stranger: It's quite easy. Just need a lot of lube to get it up there.
You: wow which coulor was it when it came out?
Stranger: Green.
You: wasn't it brown?
You: are you an ailieen?
Stranger: I'm from Venus.
You: WOW so they poop green poop in Venus? that's amazing :D
Stranger: Gosh, you're so uneducated!
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: earth
You: haha and here you poop brown poop
You: gosh
You: :D
Stranger: Wow, that's SO weird. I heared they Poop blue from uranus.
You: really? WOW i wanna poop blue too :D
Stranger: Gosh, at least you have a sky.
You: hihi where are you from?
Stranger: UK
You: i'm from finland
Stranger: Oh, cool.
You: do you really poop green poop?
Stranger: Sometimes. If I eat too many special brownies.
You: wow :D can you send me a photo when it's green?
Stranger: Hell yeah!
You: okey send it to: [email protected]
Stranger: http://chrisleavins.typepad.com/chrisleavins/images/2007/10/09/green_poop_2.jpg
You: WOW that's amazing :D
Stranger: Yeeeah.
You: okey bye!
You have disconnected.

bec säger:

hahaha, vem var det som chattade?

2010-02-07 @ 21:37:42
pickis säger:

Haha de va jag xD

2010-02-08 @ 15:30:42
Blogg/hemsida: http://lennartg.blogg.se/
Osociala klönten säger:

HAHAHA!!! hitta du din tvillingsjäl på omegle pickis??

2010-02-09 @ 11:42:04
Blogg/hemsida: http://strong-or-not.blogspot.com/

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