

Well bite my neck and call me Bella: The latest news for fourth Twilight movie
Breaking Dawn is major: star Robert Pattinson will also direct the movie!

This news comes as an obvious shock, especially since the job has been speculated
on lately — Summit reportedly approached Oscar-nominated directors such as Sofia
Coppola and Gus van Sant
. I have no idea how you go from Sofia Coppola to Pattinson,
and I'm really wondering how he'll be able to pull off acting and running the show, but
Clint Eastwood has done it plenty of times. I guess you could say Pattinson knows the
material well, though it will be his first time in the director's chair. Even so, his inexperience
shouldn't deter legions of devoted Twilight fans.

To read a press release confirming Pattinson's new role, just read more.

APRIL FOOLS!!! That really was too easy.



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