    Det var den snällaste kommentaren nånsin! :D

Haha, jag ville bara dela detta med NÅGON, så varför inte?
Titta vilken fin kommentar jag fick när jag sa emot en homofobisk idiot som kommenterade på ett youtubeklipp som hette "Lady Gaga speaks out for gay rights"... :D
@beccacecca94 Aww lover, he’s not going to understand you, you speak a language foreign to him, the language of tolerance. He’s clearly angry at the world for something, and he fails to see the irony that he’s making himself look like the biggest queer on here with all his references to anal sex. Which, not all of us "faggots" partake in. Thanks for all your kind words sweetie x x
I want to find this guy and marry him! (damn, he was gay ><)
Nu kommer jag iallafall vara på bra humör resten av dan! :D

Apon säger:

Ja tumma upp kommentaren! :)

All the good guys are gay.. lovely! ><

2011-08-05 @ 23:35:20
Blogg/hemsida: http://xchiaki.blogg.se/

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